Dates 2024 known!

The dates for the 2024 edition of De Delftse Bedrijvendagen are known. You can find them here.

Coffee Dates have started!

The Coffee Dates have started! From 27-31 of March, the Coffee Dates take place at the restaurant Pavarotti in Delft.

Do’s and don’ts at a career fair

Navigating a fair can be quite tricky. Even more so when it is difficult knowing the do’s and don’ts in Dutch business culture. Here are some tips:

Anatomy of a Cover Letter

After your CV your motivation letter to a company is the most important aspect of applying to a company. Here are some tips for a successful motivation letter:

Writing a convincing motivation letter

You will probably write a motivation letter when applying for a job, minor or project. Read this blog article to learn more about writing a convincing cover letter.