Student registrations are open!

Student registrations are open since the 8th of January! The Check-in Days will take place on the 23rd and 24th of January from 9:00 - 18:00. Avoid long lines during the events by picking up your badge and goodie bag during Check-in Days. The first 1000 students who check in during the Check-in Days will receive an extra gadget!

Student registrations are open since the 8th of January. Are you looking for an internship, job or graduation project? Are you hesitant where you need to start? Sign up now for Delft Career Days! Together, the Application Trainings, Orientation Days, Coffee Dates and In-house Days form the perfect route to kickstart your career. What are you waiting for? Sign up now, and start building your future!

The registration fee is 10 euros until the 24th of January. From the 25th of January, the registration fee will be raised to 15 euros.

Sign up here!