Company information

  • Company name
    TU Delft Career Centre
  • Industry
    Education & Research

Facts & figures

  • Employees in the Netherlands
  • Employees worldwide
  • Number of academics in the Netherlands
  • Number of countries
  • Number of internships and/or graduation projects available

Event participation

  • Application Trainings
  • CV Checks
  • Orientation Days
  • Coffee Dates
  • In-house Days


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Company profile

Het TU Delft Career Centre helpt studenten, promovendi, PDEng-trainees en jonge alumni met de voorbereiding op de arbeidsmarkt en de ontwikkeling van hun loopbaan vaardigheden door het aanbieden van verschillende workshops, programma’s en achtergrond materiaal. We werken nauw samen met werkgevers, beroepsorganisaties en alumni om inspirerende verbindingen te maken tussen hen, de TU Delft en studenten. Ons team streeft ernaar om met een creatieve en innovatieve aanpak te voldoen aan de behoeften van al onze stakeholders. Neem gerust contact met ons op als je vragen of suggesties hebt. We kijken uit naar een prettige samenwerking!

TU Delft Career Centre works with students, PhDs, PDEngs and young alumni to help them build their employability and career management skills by providing a range of careers workshops, programs and resources. In addition, we work closely with employers, professional organisations and alumni to create positive connections between them, the University and students. The team strives to creatively address issues and use innovative approaches to meet the needs of all of our stakeholders. If you have any comments or suggestions, please do not hesitate to contact us.

We look forward to working with you!

Student profile

All TUDelft students, PhDs, PDEngs and recent Alumni.

Career opportunities

Zie vacatures geplaatst door bedrijven op TU Delft Your Career:

Application procedure

We are happy to invite you to check our career platform TU Delft YourCareer:
TU Delft YourCareer is the online platform for you! On this platform you can browse through vacancies and internships that fit your profile, get online introductions to interesting companies and institutions and sign up for interesting career events. With your account you can personalize your interests for vacancies, events and receive alerts for new items that match your profile.