
  • Bedrijfsnaam
    Anthony Veder
  • Industrie
    Olie & Gas

Feiten & cijfers

  • Medewerkers in Nederland
  • Medewerkers wereldwijd
  • Aantal academici in Nederland
  • Aantal landen
  • Aantal stages en/of afstudeeropdrachten beschikbaar


  • Sollicitatietrainingen
  • CV Checks
  • Oriëntatiedagen
  • Koffiegesprekken
  • Inhousedagen


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Anthony Veder is a gas shipping company that operates at the heart of the transition towards a more sustainable world. We are the only gas tanker owner operating in all aspects of gas transportation: LPG, petrochemical gases, LNG, and CO2. With our majority of our fleet, our ambition is to be a gas shipping company that leads in safety, service, and sustainability.

As an integrated shipping company, we oversee all aspects of shipping, including technical management, crewing, operations, chartering, vessel design, and digital development.

Our core values (Courageous, Craftsmanship, Commitment, and Connect) shape our collaborative approach and guide our actions, ensuring that we continue to lead in the industry’s sustainability effort.


We are looking for creative, communicative, and analytical students with technical affinity. At Anthony Veder, we value courage and commitment. We also encourage you to explore new horizons and find new innovative solutions.

Working at Anthony Veder means engaging in an international and entrepreneurial environment with a lot of challenges, development, and personal growth.

Together we navigate the future!


Anthony Veder is a dynamic company to work for. Once you’re on board, you have a lot of possibilities to ensure your personal progress along a clearly defined career path. We do not only look to possibilities within a department but also company-wide. At Anthony Veder, we offer our Future Navigator Programs to fast-track the careers of bright and driven graduates.

During 24 months, you will experience the operations, our fleet, and our business projects while developing your professional and personal skills. After finishing these months, we will find a fitting position at our company.

If you are interested, you can read this interview about our Future Navigator Program. (


Our recruitment procedure consists of (minimum) two interviews, the presentation of a case, and obtaining references.