
  • Bedrijfsnaam
  • Industrie

Feiten & cijfers

  • Medewerkers in Nederland
  • Medewerkers wereldwijd
  • Aantal academici in Nederland
  • Aantal landen
  • Aantal stages en/of afstudeeropdrachten beschikbaar


  • Sollicitatietrainingen
  • CV Checks
  • Oriëntatiedagen
  • Koffiegesprekken
  • Inhousedagen


Let op dat de tekst hier onder mogelijk niet in de gewenste taal kan worden vertaald.


At, data drives our decisions. Technology is at our core. And innovation is everywhere. But our company is more than datasets, lines of code or A/B tests. The people are what make a great place to work. We are a company of travel-obsessed, super smart, dedicated people who work to make it easier for everyone to experience the world.

Here’s why you should start your career journey with us:

✔ Make a real impact at the world’s number one travel technology company
✔ Develop great software engineering principles and working practices from talented mentors
✔ Explore your true passions and technical strengths through placement opportunities across a variety of teams
✔ Develop your network alongside a group of early career developers and participate in tons of social volunteering and learning activities


- You are a 2023/2024 graduate with a Bachelor or Masters in Software Engineering, Computer Science or related field STEM-field; or you have completed relevant third-level study (e.g. Coding Bootcamp, HBO)
- Understanding of object-oriented programming and Javascript code as we predominantly use Java on our back end and React in our front end
- Familiar with API design and automated testing
- Know that KISS, SOLID and DRY are not just the random words
- Can demonstrate critical thinking and problem-solving skills
- Strong communicator and really enjoy working in the team


We’ve crafted 15-month graduate programs in Software Engineering and Data Science & Analytics. These are permanent roles to kick start your career in our Amsterdam HQ.

In January 2024, we will be starting the recruitment for our September 2024 graduates.


1. Application
2. Technical At-Home Test
3. Behavioural At-Home Test
4. Recruiter Phone Interview
5. In Person Assessment Center