
  • Bedrijfsnaam
    Plug Power
  • Industrie

Feiten & cijfers

  • Medewerkers in Nederland
  • Medewerkers wereldwijd
  • Aantal academici in Nederland
  • Aantal landen
  • Aantal stages en/of afstudeeropdrachten beschikbaar


  • Sollicitatietrainingen
  • CV Checks
  • Oriëntatiedagen
  • Koffiegesprekken
  • Inhousedagen


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Plug Power is the leading provider of clean hydrogen and zero-emission fuel cell solutions that are both cost-effective and reliable. Our leading fuel cell products are designed to address your biggest productivity and uptime challenges, all while providing sustainable solutions for your business operations. Plug Power is the largest buyer of liquid hydrogen and have built more hydrogen refueling stations than anyone else in the world.


Plug offers various internship opportunities for undergraduate and graduate students. During the Internship Program each intern works with a mentor who offers career guidance and feedback. Additionally, interns participate in TECH Talks, social events and network with leadership to build relationships that support their career development for the future!

We’re a people-first company – offering a culture that is ideally suited to people who enjoy the focus, collaboration, and discipline required to shape innovative technologies into real-world products. Our employees share similar threads – we’re innovative, reliable, trustworthy, passionate, and driven. Everyone has an important role to play in the success of our business. The desire to innovate is baked into our DNA and if any of this applies to you, we would love to speak with you!


We are stronger together. We recognize the benefits of encouraging all employees to reach their full potential and we aim to create a workplace where everyone has the opportunity to learn and grow. At Plug, we aspire to recruit, develop, and retain people of diverse cultural backgrounds who can contribute to their fullest potential in pursuit of personal, organizational, and business objectives.


Whether you choose to interact with Plug representatives over the phone, via online conferencing, or in person, please make sure to share your interest through the portal: