
  • Bedrijfsnaam
    Prognoix Health B.V.
  • Industrie

Feiten & cijfers

  • Medewerkers in Nederland
  • Medewerkers wereldwijd
  • Aantal academici in Nederland
  • Aantal landen
  • Aantal stages en/of afstudeeropdrachten beschikbaar


  • Sollicitatietrainingen
  • CV Checks
  • Oriëntatiedagen
  • Koffiegesprekken
  • Inhousedagen


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Prognoix Health develops evidence-based digital medicines for stigmatized illnesses.

Accelerated by YES!Delft, we believe digital technologies provide the best medium to deliver care for stigmatized illnesses. Our aim is to empower such patients through digital medicines within the comfort and privacy of their homes.


We seek teammates who are highly motivated to improve lives of millions of patients worldwide. Potential teammates who are learnable and are ready to work independently are going to be the best fit for our small team.


As a high-growth digital medtech startup and a small team, Prognoix provides tremendous career growth opportunities. Intern will work closely with the seasoned cofounders (including a practicing doctor). Exceptional candidates will be even invited to part of the core team as cofounder(s).

We encourage all our teammates to 'think like an entrepreneur' from day 1. They will have freedom to spent part of their time on their own innovative projects, and will be supported to even spin-out innovative projects and a separate businesses.


We keep it simple: You hand-in your CV and meet the founders, who explain the projects and what we stand for. If there is a fit, we start straightaway (minimal paperwork from our side).