
  • Bedrijfsnaam
  • Industrie

Feiten & cijfers

  • Medewerkers in Nederland
  • Medewerkers wereldwijd
  • Aantal academici in Nederland
  • Aantal landen
  • Aantal stages en/of afstudeeropdrachten beschikbaar


  • Sollicitatietrainingen
  • CV Checks
  • Oriëntatiedagen
  • Koffiegesprekken
  • Inhousedagen


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Simon-Kucher is a global consultancy with more than 2,000 employees in 30 countries. Our sole focus is on unlocking better growth that drives measurable revenue and profit for our clients. We achieve this by optimizing every lever of their commercial strategy – product, price, innovation, marketing, and sales – based on deep insights into what customers want and value.

With 37 years of experience in monetization topics of all kinds, we are regarded as the world's leading pricing and growth specialist.

Our approach
We pride ourselves on being hands-on and results driven. Our projects increase our clients’ profitability by an average of 100 to 500 basis points.

We don’t apply one-size-fits-all approaches in our projects but tailor our solutions to our clients’ specific needs.
Last but not least, we make sure our solutions get implemented properly. The ultimate measure of our success is our clients’ success.
Our team combines specialist industry, functional, and digital expertise. We know how to monetize innovations and transform businesses to keep ahead in the digital world. From strategies to tangible outcomes, our solutions are made to last.

Our values
Our core values include integrity, respect, team spirit, and entrepreneurship. The latter is especially important. Our more than 160 partners are not only owners of the company, they are also entrepreneurs in the truest sense of the word. They are responsible for the economic success and future development of our business.


You have successfully completed both your vwo and university bachelor's and master's degrees with above-average academic achievements. Additionally, you have a mature personality with excellent analytical skills and a passion for commercial topics. You have an entrepreneurial spirit, are driven and sharp. You enjoy working in teams in an inspiring environment.


As a Consultant at Simon-Kucher, you will have substantial responsibilities and entrepreneurial freedom from day one. You will be engaged in all phases of our projects, including business development, big data analyses, developing the storyline, and delivering the final presentation to the client. We use a hypothesis-driven approach that enables you to quickly grasp the essence of complex issues. Simultaneously, you contribute to activities aimed at further expanding the consulting practice in the Netherlands.

In addition to learning on the job, we offer a customized training curriculum. During these sessions, you will develop both soft skills (presentation, facilitation, leadership, project management, etc.) and hard skills (Price Management, Sales Excellence, Value Selling, Finance, Excel, Advanced analytics, etc.).


If you're interested in joining Simon-Kucher, we look forward to receiving your application including CV, cover letter and high school & university transcripts. Reference letters are optional. Visit our website to apply.

Application procedure Associate Consultant (Intern):
- Online assessment
- 1st round with two case interviews
- 2nd round with one final case interview

Application procedure Consultant (Graduate):
- Online Assessment
- 1st round with two case interviews
- 2nd round with two case interviews, one written case and informal coffee meeting